I first met author Mary Camarillo nine years ago, as we were both whimpering in the corner of the patio at the Community of Writers conference. We were both newbies to the unique experience of having our writing workshopped by a circle of strangers, including a VIW (very important writer). We were maybe a little too sensitive back then.
Since then, we have done many other workshops together, read and commented on early drafts of our novels, written blurbs for each other, and flown emails back and forth with a million questions about events, publicists, organization strategies, retreats, all of it.
And now we find ourselves launching novels at the same time, my third (POSTER GIRL) and Mary’s second (THOSE PEOPLE BEHIND US), with the same publisher–She Writes Press.
It is absolutely one of the highlights of a writing life to have made friends with Mary and many other writers like her in this third chapter of life. Mary is the real deal. An amazingly talented and perceptive writer. And her books are fantastic.
I could not be happier to be IN CONVERSATION WITH MARY CAMARILLO about our new books November 28 (EAST VILLAGE BOOKS, SACRAMENTO) and November 29 (RUBY’S BOOKS, FOLSOM).
I hope you come out to hear our chat about the stories behind the stories.
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