POSTER GIRL launch party and other in-person events
Oh pretty please join me for in-person POSTER GIRL LAUNCH fun. (I've even bought a new dress.) For more details, [...]
Oh pretty please join me for in-person POSTER GIRL LAUNCH fun. (I've even bought a new dress.) For more details, [...]
“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that [...]
Friday, 5/19 at 6:30, I'll be in conversation with Jasmin Iolani Hakes at Capital Books about her WONDERFUL debut novel, [...]
Write it anyway. This week, my artist friend Polly LaPorte (pictured above) delivered a portrait of my Grandpa Bates Jackson. I was [...]
Words come to life on stage this month. It's a thrill to see your work interpreted by a gifted actor, [...]
I talked to Authority Magazine about Five Things Successful Writers Do. Man, did I feel presumptuous in that conversation. But [...]
Book-making is such a long process, full of landmarks. Today, seeing Tomboy's final cover, I'm very grateful to the authors [...]
It's like I'm a sophomore. It's fascinating to me how a person can turn sixty and still feel, well, sophomoric. To [...]
In just three days, January 10, the Mystery Review Crew website will launch, sharing news, reviews, interviews, videos and more [...]
Sacramento-born author, Joan Didion, who passed away over the holidays, had an outsized effect on me, especially this idea from [...]